Ruth Morales


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Ruth Morales is a beauty writer who crafts blog posts for the cosmetic beauty industry in hopes of helping people achieve their aesthetic goals.


  • Ruth published 50+ articles for the beauty niche industry.
  • She learns from several verified dermatologists she follows on social media platforms.
  • Her English degree helps her write informative and accurate articles for Cosmetics Center.


As a skincare enthusiast, Ruth cannot live without all her skincare products, especially sunscreen! She recognizes that investing in one's beauty can boost self-confidence and improve well-being, all while expressing one's unique style and identity. That's why she is committed to sharing her increasing knowledge of cosmetic products and beauty tips that can help people look and feel their best.


After graduating from Cal State Northridge (CSUN), Ruth delved into the beauty industry, writing about cosmetic treatments. However, she recognizes that not everyone has access to high-end treatments. Hence she works to learn about achieving and maintaining a beautiful complexion with affordable skincare products. She enjoys educating herself on all things skincare to share beauty tips, tricks, and products that will set readers up for success on their way to healthy, radiant skin.

Expertise: English Literature

Education: California State University

Location: California

Title: Writer

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